What’s My Definition Of Love?
Love. Haha, this concept makes me laugh. I know my readers are probably wondering why the fuck I never wrote about LOVE. My fellow readers, you’re not alone. I’m too wondering why I never thought about tossing my two cents on this popular thing called Love.
So, what I know is that this shit is
mysterious. And dangerous. That’s why I don’t wanna talk about it. I read and heard a dozen stories of people falling in love, going mad, crazy, and obsessed about one another and all that shit.
But what I don’t quite get is, is that really love? Are we seriously putting a blame on it? Are we using it as a scapegoat when we do stupid things to/for and/or with people we believe we are really in love with? Come on guys, what the fuck is it exactly?
M’kay, just to avoid being one-sided in any way and to avoid finding myself being attacked by those academical folks in dark, expensive suits and neckties called Love Experts/Relationship Experts who are career driven to this field. So, when we feel good, complete, excited, and happy with the other person we say we love, right? Is that also love? Or just feelings of being loved? Or feelings of loving? Or feelings of... whatever.
A’ight, let’s get serious. This thing has
always been an issue and always will be. Why? Let’s just ask ourselves for a minute, like...why? Well--I think I’ve got an answer even tho it’s not correct--it’s because of what it is. Frankly, I’m not talking about love that you receive from your family, friends or Instagram followers. No, that’s not the one Luyanda is talkin' 'bout. I’m talkin' 'bout the one that has been a pain in the ass for centuries since the emergence of the human species, according to my assumption. I’m talkin' 'bout the one that got you and your great, great grandfathers screwed over. I’m talkin' 'bout the one that is often honored and celebrated all over the globe. I’m talkin' 'bout the one that you offer to and/or receive from someone you call the "love of my life.”” Someone you threatened to leave if they failed to live up to their promises.
We do not love, I assume. We feel. And then we respond to those feelings with a certain response that has a meaning sticked to it.
According to me, love is dangerous and has a really beautiful appearance. It appears perfect and sheen and most people praise and beautify it like Lady Gaga’s ass showing up in the world’s biggest event.
This motherfucking love is mysterious. It has many sudden surprises of twists and turns. It has to be carefully tackled with balanced emotions. Your emotions towards it should bend accordingly, but don’t let them get authorized nor devastated because if you do, that’s when you’ll become an inhumane piece of shit.
Just to be transparent and make sure
things are transparent as well. Romantic love has been romanticized and overrated like Rick Ross’s music that has no moving meaning for this current and the oncoming generation of the human race. Look, I ain’t beefing him whatsoever. I have no beef with the rich ass fat boy. But seriously, you know what I’m talkin' 'bout. If you don’t, listen to one of his tracks called 50 Plates.
Anyhow, people who are deeply in love should accassionally fea themselves. Fear themselves? Yeh, they must. But accassionally, tho. These people should fear what they might be capable of when shit goes south. A sudden blow of harsh disappointment in real reality could turn them into mighty commanders of hell.
Listen, I’m not saying that being in love is wrong and that it should be avoided at all. What I’m saying is, you should be careful, haha. You should have no expectations from it. If you attempt to expect anything, that anything of yours can not fall into anything that you have expected. That anything can be something that exceeds your expectations. Are we still together? Cool.
"Have you ever been in love?" asked the reader. Let me think for a second...umm...I’m not quite sure. But I guess I was pretty close to it. I can attest that the experience I have with love isn’t enough. Yes, I have a shortage of experience in the love game, you know. But with enough participation in the game, things will change. Maybe I’ll even rewrite all this shit when I acquire it. But who gives a fuck? No one. I belive there are other sides of me that haven’t been brought to light and some I didn’t even know if I had them or not, I know fo sho. I’m talking from inexperience. There are some (there are many, actually) buttons that haven’t been pressed enough to test my complete capabilities and reactions towards love. Again, any fucks given? No fucks given, sir! Good.
Love is a good thing. And it’s a bad thing for some of us. And it’s not quite healthy to force yourself to fit in it, no matter the promises or potentials. What is healthy is the acceptance of it. But hold on, acceptance might be nice and healthy but that doesn’t mean it will serve you as you wish.
For instance, if you accept that no one will love you because you are full of shit, then great! That’s fucking great. It means you are aware that you are full of shit and no one will tolerate the type of person you are.
Now, let’s say you know that you’re an
asshole who’s full of shit and no one will love an asshole that is full of shit and so you’ve decided to remain single forever. But deep down, I mean really deep down from the bottom of the earth’s core, you know that you need love (you value it) and you want to participate and play in the love game, right?
Now tell me, how will that benefit you, huh? Look, accepting that no one would ever love you because you’re full of shit is cool and healthy. But it’s uncool and unhealthy to just do nothing about it if you still need love, especially if you’re a living human spirit. Because after all, you’re more of a human being and less of an asshole.
Okey, hear me out, I know this is
contradictory towards your own views and beliefs: love is not good. And it is not bad. I came to the realization a few minutes ago while writing this that love is not dangerous or mysterious. Love is not. It is the way it is. But it is not what we think it is.
"But Luyanda, you said love is good and bad and that it’s dangerous and mysterious, but now you’re opposing yourself. Like, dude, what the hell is it exactly? This is makin' me mad, man.”
Chill out, told ya I realized it a couple of minutes ago, didn’t I? Love is not good nor bad nor dangerous nor mysterious. What is good is our intentions, actions, and reactions towards love and the person we wre in love with. Our reactions and intentions towards love may be good, bad, crazy, saddening, dangerous, frightening, or mysterious (unpredictable). Love has less or no power. It is us who has power. Love is like a thought, it influence us, and then we grab that influence and behave in a way we think is suitable for that particular moment. So love remains the way it is.
For example, if my "love of my life" treat me in a good way, and I too feel good and respond goodly to her, I’d give love full credits and say it is a good think, I deserve it and my "love of my life" deserves some fulfilling sex and special treatment of boxes wraped around with pink ribbons full of gifts while singing Celine Dion’s love songs.
But if that same "love of my life" treat
me in a bad way, and I too feel bad and awfully attacked, I’d blame love and go around saying love is bad and that I don’t deserve and that my "love of my life" is a bitch blah blah.
See? This shit depends on the treatment (I’m not referring to the medical treatment made by drug companies), how we feel about the treatment, and the meaning we give to that treatment.
When I feel bad and disrespected in a
relationship, I’d say love sucks. But when I feel good and honored, I’d smile while adjusting my necktie in a good position and say, "Give this love a Bells." Oops! I forgot that I don’t own no necktie nor suit.
When I see folks who are deeply in love committing serious major shits like killing themselves, burning their houses down, assaulting their kids, murdering their siblings, devoting themselves to drugs, or spilling lethal acids at one another, I’d say love is dangerous which I may be nine times out of ten WRONG and can lead to severe detention for this kind of theory, courtly speaking.
This shit needs to be attentively
inspected, it may be the reaction of the person towards the pain they feel owing to their "love of their lives’" actions under the ceiling of love. And if that pain feels too much, I suggest reaching out to therapists for special help immediately. Too much pain isn’t needed here. Enough one is.
Love is the way it is. It is a form of nature. Therefore, it is natural. Nature is mysterious. It’s contains a lot of mystery in it. So is love. And anyone who claims he has cracked the code of love isn’t totally correct. There may be some faults in which he is oblivious to. And I do not support the idea of attempting to figure out what love is. Let it remain the way it is and umbeclap its setbacks.
So, what is my definition of love, really?
Unfortunately, I have no definition for it. It is the way it is, I suppose. Perhaps I might develop a definition for it in the upcoming years, perhaps thirteen years and eight months from now. Who knows? And I would be glad if you would ask me this same question in the next thirteen years and eight months to see if I had coined a distinct judgment about it.
All in all, I have no definition for it,
period. Any fucks given? No fucks given.