Now it will the first time for you to know the monster that is inside of me.
If I may try to remember what the fuck happened very well, it was on Monday afternoon, on the 6th of March at the Mall. Then, shit began…
I went out with my two buddies and get our butts at the Mall. When we got our butts there we just got separated and I quickly went to the store that is selling various kinds of products (but not food) with a cheapest price in that area to purchase a good-looking lock for my room.
And when I got my butt out of that boring store, I went to another one which is a grocery store to purchase a brown a bread, six dozens of eggs, 1 litre of — some strange — milk, peanuts, banana, and a bottle of wine. But I wasn’t able to buy those things at that time.
I wasn’t able to buy all these thing during that time because something captivating disrupted my senses. What the fuck is that, Luyanda? Well, I bumped up against some lady who got some best body structure, dark sheen hair, nice shaped behind, eye-catching breast, and sexy legs that has not even have one single scar. Her name is May
May is a kind-hearted, talkative, confident, open, brave, go-getter, silly, and gorgeous girl (and I don’t approach ugly girls. Ever!). I first met her at the swimming pool when she was going back to where she stays and I felt like a pussy because I failed to ask for her contact details. She was wearing a short that was exposing those sexy and youthful legs of hers. We didn’t talk that much during that day. Our conversating lasted for 41 seconds or so.
I asked May if she was employed at the university to work there at the swimming pool.
“Nope, I am still a student” said May with her strange, ridiculous tone of voice.
“Oh, alright, I thought you are working here because you sound like…you know” I said while eye-balling those brownish eyes and fresh legs of hers.
“Nope” she replied.
“So you like swimming?” I asked.
“A lot” she replied.
“How long have you been here?” I asked again.
“I’ve been here for 2 hours”
My face looked mazed. Exactly, I was amazed.
“That is horrific…” I said.
“Yeah, I really like swimming” she said.
“So you are studying here?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m just doing my fourth-year. And you?” said her.
“I’m currently doing my third-year. Actually, it’s my final year” I said.
“Wow! That’s good. You are now almost there. Keep on pushing…”
“Yeah, thanks” I said with a boring smile.
“I like you hair” I said (just offering her an honest compliment, you know).
“What do you like about my hair?” asked her with a confused face.
“The color of your hair is darker than the ones we are familiar with…”
“They are like this, naturally. I didn’t dye my hair. Touch my head” she said while moving it towards me to touch it. Damn! I felt it with my fingers.
I touched it. Then I touched it again to check if my fingers come up with some dye or any dark stain from it. She was right, she didn’t dye her hair. I began to trust her a little bit more (I was only wearing a boxer-short, therefore, I didn’t want to walk outside the pool with it). As such, we said some wonderful goodbyes and we promised to see each other next time. I was excited.
When I met May again at the grocery store, my mind simply shutted down. Seriously, it just went blank. I didn’t see anything or any fucking body at the store but only her. I was excited again. Guess what? She was wearing a short that reveal those youthful legs of hers. I don’t really remember about the things I saw at the store, but I do remember that I saw her fresh skin, dark hair, and, of course, beautiful legs.
At that time, May was pushing a pretty much heavy, loaded cart with rice, potatoes, onions, lettuce, cucumber, beetroot, beef, cans of beans and fish, banana, apples, grapes, maize meal, hot source, water in a pink bottle, and other scary things that I think it would be much better I die without putting any of them in my mouth. She was struggling to push the cart so I show some gentleness and pushed it for her. I felt generous.
I pushed it until we reached the checkout counter. She was talking and talking and talking, I didn’t hear everything she said because the beauty of her legs made me shift my focus and I simply became deaf. But I liked that she was talking.
When it was our turn to pay, she panicked and lost her mind as she had planned to spend that certain amount of money. Therefore, the things she took simply exceeded her budget. She didn’t believe it. I was surprised and confused. And she decided to pay for what is only crucial. But still, they exceeded the budget. She went crazier.
Then again, she decided to pay for what is most crucial for the third time. Still, those most crucial things exceeded her budget. Obviously, she wanted to scream. I then also decided to show some gentleness again by paying for what she needed the most and left the unimportant stuff behind such as that purity she took with her that is designed to feed 8 months babies.
I did what I believe in: Humility and Kindness. Not because of her stunning legs. Nope!
We got our butts out of the store. May was till talking and talking and talking but slowly regaining her senses that she lost at the checkout counter. She wanted to go to an ATM and withdraw some cash because she completely forgot to ask for cash back from the cashier (the alluring girl was really befuddled). We then went our butts straight there.
When we reached the ATM, we find so many poor human beings waiting on the line to withdraw, deposit, check their bank balances or whatever. We then went to another store that sells cosmetics. I waited for her outside with that heavy, loaded cart. She went her ass inside. I saw her talking to another fat and dark-skinned lady who was an employee there. Then, those gorgeous legs of hers disappeared. I didn’t see her gorgeous legs for like 21 minutes. I was bored. And confused.
I spotted a nice-shaped behind and gorgeous legs. It was her — May. It excited me again. She was pushing a small cart but this time she wasn’t struggling anymore. She seemed happier and relaxed. Then, those gorgeous legs disappeared again through the aisles. I became more and more bored. I felt foolish. The whole scene reminded me when I was a young boy going to shop with my mom and wait for her outside or anywhere (that’s when I got angry at my mom). I began to develop some irritation.
After 46 minutes of boredom and confusion and irritation, I spotted a round head covered with darker hair through the aisles waiting in line to pay. It was May, the storm. She was my storm because you would see her very unexpectedly. But when you see her, she would strike your heart and you would forget the damages that are coming with it.
At that moment, I was carrying a phone that I borrowed from another guy whom I met at the store. We resides at the same residence with him, so it was as easy as ABC. I borrowed it because May wanted to request an uber that was going to drop her with all that heavy grocery where she resides. She didn’t bring her phone with her. I didn’t bring mine with me. That’s why I borrowed it. Yup, problem solved. Simple like that.
I waited outside with her cart that was full of heavy grocery until I became a little bit more frustrated. I ended up googling about why men dislike shopping with women. The answers were hilarious (you too can google them to laugh. If you feel like it). Consequently, I forgot that I was frustrated.
Those gorgeous legs came back in a rush and little bit nervousness. She went inside for like 36 minutes but came back with only three things or so (I was confused again). She wanted to do cash back so we went back to the grocery store to where she lost her senses. I gave her water to drink that was in the pink bottle that she bought earlier on at the grocery store. I was beginning to experience some fatigueness. So, I waited outside again but this time I didn’t get frustrated or confused. I stared at those gorgeous legs walking inside the store and disappearing through the aisles.
I simply put that heavy, loaded cart near the entrance of the store. Sat with my butt over the floor. And then played some boring video game on the phone where I was driving a speeding car that you need to control carefully to avoid crashing with other vehicles because if you crash, you LOSE.
After 24 minutes or so, May came back and I instantly got my butt off the floor and grabbed the cart. Pushed it and pushed it. I tried to request an uber for her, using a borrowed phone. Then boom! The electricity was gone. The network fucked us up. We tried to access an uber app using this dude’s data connection but the network kept on fucking us up.
I decided to chill and enjoy staring at the beauty of her. She was panicking because it was around 6:20 something pm. She is a woman (a lovely one). And she has got some extraordinary legs. After 4 minutes, the electricity was back. The network refrained from fucking us up. We accessed the app and request the uber and waited.
7 minutes later, the uber arrived. May was still doing the talking and talking and talking. Although I don’t remember very well what she was saying, but I enjoyed being next to her (my talking storm). At that moment, I was very, very, very exhausted. This stormed drained my energy in an enjoyable manner.
We loaded that heavy grocery in the front seat because the uber driver was bitching and moaning that he parked in a wrong way and he want to rapidly move out of there so that he would not obstruct the flow of vehicles. I didn’t like the way he was bemoaning. And May was in a rush.
The weather was beginning to get cooler and darker. And the wind blew a little faster than usual. I began to feel cold…
I felt so ashamed of myself because I didn’t have enough time to talk to May about an issue that was eating my heart out. We said some cold, boring, and gloomy goodbyes to one another. I immediately got my butt back at the grocery store to buy what I literally came for in the first place. I didn’t look behind my back…it was a quiet and saddening moment.
To be continued…