Shit started (but I don’t know when). It seems like they started recently and fucking upgrading as well. There are incessant battles in our minds that don’t seem to take a break at least or don’t promise to ease, ever!
These battles rest only if we are asleep and/or shushed when suppressed and temporarily ignored and numbed with certain substances which can be addictive as well if we treat them as part of our damn lives.
“The battles we fight (primarily the mental and/or the emotional ones), they sometimes affect others inadvertently in a fortuitous and ghastly way that they oftentimes interpreted as ‘true colors,’ particularly when we unconsciously permit them to show off themselves.” ~Luyanda Mbatha
These battles are sometimes useful and mean something very, very momentous because most often they make us invincible. And we need them occasionally, but we don’t enjoy feeling and thinking about them, as they’re almost fucking unbearable. And uneasily (and takes time) embraceable.
They are powerful when they turn right up against us and to those who are around us. And also they are powerful tools as well for certain purposes, especially positive and beneficial ones.
The phrases ‘Think before you say,’ or ‘Think before you act,’ are partially bullshit for some people passably if you can take a look a little bit closer for a second.
Some might be thinking, “Why does this guy say so? What the fuck does he imply precisely?”
“ Matter of fact why? Why the fuck do I say that?” I asked myself.
“Okay, I say that because they do not apply to all of us” I answered.
Yes, they are universal phrases. And I fucking strongly agree with that. But they are not for everyone.
Again, “What the fuck is wrong with this guy’s statements? What the fuck is he trying to signify exactly?” asked them.
“Well, it is fucking not for everyone. Some individuals out there misuse or misunderstood or get trapped in these beliefs without taking action because they ceaselessly convince themselves that they need to ‘think’ de novo and/or a little bit more before setting their foot off the ground and undergo through the process (the practical one)” I replied again, but this time more meticulously.
“The struggle is never dull. No one has ever got bored from struggling.” ~Luyanda Mbatha.
What we call ‘struggle’ is predominantly invented and generated in our brains before we launch and deal with it in reality. And in reality, it is where the real struggle begins. Yes, it should be dealt with in reality by taking a damn action. How accurate that is. Because we will suffer more from it than we will in reality, especially when we think it’s an actuality before we confront it in reality (or before it confronts us).
Just to make an intelligible succinct illustration. Consider that you have to wake up early in the morning and start running a distance of roughly 4 miles or 6,4 kilometers to burn your fucking calories or fucking carbs to attenuate almost all of them that are stored in your body, with vehement intensity.
All you’re thinking about is, “How am I gonna do this?” or “Where can I find someone who can assist me?” or “Running is not for me or people like me.” Maybe you’re right in the last statement. Pretty much of the things you’re thinking about are simply ‘excuses’, period. And now you just enable yourself to absolutely suffer from it cognitively before your fucking fat or skinny legs endure that fundamental potency it needs for your health.
We are fucking too quick at jumping to conclusions without knowing the real results, (say) “I know what’s gonna happen…” says your brain. Yes, that might be true in some instances. But in most ones, it is just fallacious. You don’t know what’s going to happen, you ‘think’ you know. There’s a difference there unless your ass has been through it quite a few/ multiple times before.
“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” ~Seneca
Being able to eradicate mental struggles by grabbing them by the neck (like The Undertaker, the American professional wrestler) and setting them off into practice is the greatest adroitness a person can acquire on Earth (and on Mars as well if possible). Remember fellas, keep on putting shit into practice and/or at least test them out because success is Not a theory!