He Was Almost Gone

Luyanda Mbatha
23 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Kenny Orr on Unsplash

A friend of mine (I’ll call him a friend because he’s one the boys I used to hang out with) made something unusual but usual in outside world. It’s unusual because it’s not usual when it’s happening to my closest circle. It may be very usual to you but to me, it’s not, when it comes to me so close like a pit bull threatening to rip my clothes off and poke my flesh with its unfriendly teeth. So it’s unusual. It’s a bit terroristic. It’s Israelistic, haha.

Where was I? Oh, I see. Oi oi! This friend of mine is Stuart. We call him Stuart. He is a 20 year-old boy with a thin body like a fishing line, has a light-colored skin, and is very short. His height is very funny because he has grown a beard from his cheeks down to his chin. His beard has invaded most of face but it’s fine, the kid has grown up.

Stuart is a huge fan of this R&B artist
and dancer and actor called Chris Brown. So Stuart tried to write music and sound like him (Chris Brown), dance like him, look like him, walk like him, pierced his ears like him, and bite his lips like him. Just as I did too back in high school when I was inspired by NF to also write music. And just as we all do when we’re inspired by someone and then try to imitate them. I don’t know if Stuart still sings or bite his lips or whatsoever, I really don’t know. And I don’t give a fuck.

I’ve known Stuart for almost 8 years now since high school. But we are not that close tho. This boy is above average handsome. A lot of girls in high school often asked me about him and wanted to be his girlfriends. Which is so damn true, Stuart is a handsome young man and I confirmed that by my eyeballs when I brought him up to my classroom and/or walked with him in the school passageways.

Almost all the girls' eyes were staring at Stuart as if he was the most wanted enemy of some oppressive state in the Middle East and that made me feel uncomfortable because I hated being in the center of attention. We were some kind of celebrities and that quickly turned me into a famous person due to Stuart’s handsomeness.

He remained single quite long period of time because he didn’t approach girls but only talking about them about how bedworthy they were. At that time, we were just young virgin boys who knew nothing about the interior of a cunt. We were stupid boys who has never screw a single cunt in our lives. We were only just fantasizing about it and giving advices to one another about how to get laid, how to dip your cock in it, and which hole you must dip into. And we usually got those advices from those who has eaten some piece of ass. The way we were punished by tough desperation and enslaved by it, was unbearable. It was sad.

So, when Stuart was in 10th grade or so, he got one. He finally got a piece of ass from a girl who was on the same grade with him. They both smashed one another a very long time, for several months. His girlfriend was shorter than him and had quite thick legs and small feets, I used to see her in high school. I heard that Stuart’s girlfriend took Stuart’s virginity and she wasn’t a virgin anymore. She dumped it long time ago. Despite all that, Stuart was always happy with what he got from his girl as his girl was more experienced than he was.

One day, Stuart paid us a visit at my
friend’s house. But we were just standing outside and talking.
"Guys, Annalee did something
unbelievable!" said Stuart with giant smile on his face.

"She did what?" asked my friend.

"Haha! This bitch is damn crazy, boy!"
said Stuart with an immeasurable excitement.

"Go on, Stuart. Tell us, you fool" insisted my friend.

"Listen" Stuart began to explain, "We
were fucking each other with Annalee at one of my buddy’s house named Fish and when I came, my cock fell."

"What’s new about that?" I asked.
"No, you scum!" said Stuart. "She didn’t allow my cock to fall that easily. She sucked it and sucked it and sucked it and I was watching her sucking me for like an hour until my cock rose. And then we continued to fuck again and it was nice."

"HAHAHA, HAHA!" we all laughed.
A few seconds passed. We were all
smiling and happy for our friend to finally have a chance of getting laid too.

"So, if she gave you a head, did you lick her back!" my friend asked.

"NO, NO, NO! Haha, I refused, boy. She wanted it but I refused. I remember when I was kissing her from her lips down to her tits and to her belly, I saw her slowly lifting her bottom to my face to feed me her cunt, wanting to be licked but then I refused."

"HAHAHA!" we all laughed again.
"Annalee’s cunt is hot!" said Stuart. "And she’s energetic during sex."

"Did you use a condom?" I asked.

"Haha! Yeah, but for the first round."

It was in the afternoon around 4pm. Our conversation revolved Stuart’s lovemaking with Annalee followed by a handful of sexual advices of which I no longer recall. And then Stuart told us that he’s about to go home.

"Gents, I’m about to go home now. Catch you later."

"Cool, sho" I said.

"DON’T IMPREGNATE HER!" my friend hollered.

Several days passed, when my friend
and I bump into Stuart on the streets which was lengthwise to his neighborhood, Stuart appeared to be as much as happy as he was the last time we hung out with his ass.

"What's up? You fools" said Stuart.

"Wha...? A fool is your small cock that
needs special assistance during lovemaking" said my friend.

"You see? Don't get me started, man.
So, you good?" Stuart asked

"Yeh, we cool" I said.

"What's going with your short
girlfriend....is she still providing you her cunt, huh?" asked my friend.

"Yah, boy. Things are pretty good" said Stuart. "Last week Saturday I went to check up on her and guess what? Her fucking father saw me and I got freaked out!"

"So what did you do?" I asked.
"I thought of walking away but I didn’t
because he already saw me. So I tried to relax and he didn’t say anything nor try to do anything but got back inside the house."

"You’re a lucky bastard" I said.

"Haha" Stuart laughed. "It’s a must for
me to be lucky because her daughter and I are connected by some serious shit. So he must accept or go shit himself."

"Haha!" we forced ourselves to laugh a little.

It would have been good joke if he found another way to put it and make it funny. But he tossed a terrible one. Stuart isn’t good at making jokes. His jokes are bad, really bad. When he attempts to make a joke he always laugh first. And the worst part is, he laugh alone at his terrible joke.

"A’ight, see you soon, asshole" my friend said.

I yawned and then said, "See you."
We then split up. Stuart continued with his way and my friend and I went to where we were headed.

Two weeks later, my friend and I bump into Stuart again in the same street along Stuart’s neighborhood. He approached us first and kept talking, you could see that his emotions were fucking stirred up dramatically.

"I’ve got some crazy great news, boys!"

I instantly smiled and asked, "What are those crazy great news, Stuart?"

My friend looked at him and said, "Yeh, speak fast, you son of a bitch. Tell us, what happened? "

"Listen, boys, last weekend I went to
check up on Annalee I found that her mom and siblings knows about me. And they don’t seem to have a problem with that..."

"Because they see that you’re a young
school boy who’s just a newbie in relationships. You’re not threat to their child." I interfered.

"Annalee’s siblings talked about my
name, fo sho. While I was down in the street approaching Annalee’s home, her mom hollered and said, 'Stuart, you looking for Annalee? She is not here, my boy. We don’t know where she is!' And I responded by saying, 'Thank you!.’"

"Aren’t you afraid of being fucking known to your girlfriend’s home?" I asked.

"No!" said Stuart. "They like me, boy.
They trust me..."

"They trust you?" my friend asked. "Theytrust an asshole."

"Yeh, I’m the one who can take care of
their daughter. Besides, I’M AN OFFICIAL BOYFRIEND. I am now known officially. "

We laughed. At least he made us laugh, I remember.

The other day, that "other day" sure
arrived as other days, we randomly met with Stuart on the street again like the other days we used to. At that day, the kid appeared to be unhappy than he was before in his relationship with Annalee. The kid seemed troubled. You could see that his emotional state was not so good, it was somewhere else in the desert, helpless, thirsty, and yearning for joy.

"Your girlfriend told me crazy major shit about Annalee" said Stuart to my friend.

My friend had a girlfriend who was a friend of Annalee whom they both also reside in the same vicinity.
"What she said?" my friend asked.

I recollected all my hearing senses and parked them in the good position to prepare for what my ears was about to grab.

I watched the kid’s eyes staring down
the tar road looking at nothing and said, "She said to me that Annalee hasn’t been seen at home for two days in a row, they don’t know where the hell she is."

"The fuck? That’s new. And that’s
horrible" I said.

"Yeh boy" said Stuart. "I haven’t seen her for four days."

"Your girlfriend will be a huge problem, don’t you see?" said my friend to Stuart.

"Yeh, I see. What is troubling my spirit a lot is that I heard that she’s dating other dudes. And these dudes are very much older than her."

"How old is she" I asked.

"Sixteen. And these dudes are taxi

Stuart was very unhappy about finding out that her girlfriend was cheating on him with old fuckers.

"Is she sleeping with them" asked my

"Obviously, she is" answered Stuart with assurance.
"You know what, Stuart? Dump her" I

"Yep" my friend agreed, " Just dump her, boy, because you’ll find your ass into lots of unwanted troubles."

"Okey, I hear you very well, gents."

He surely heard us, but it wasn’t that
easy for him to let his hoe go like that because he would have no piece of ass left to eat. Annalee approached Stuart and told him that she would like to be his girlfriend and then bloody Stuart agreed. So this time, he would have to wait for another bitch to approach him again.
As usual, we offered him some advices about moving his ass on and never speak to her ever again and all that stuff. So the kid did. It was difficult, but he had to, he knew it as well. He had no any other better choice than to accept that he would have no one to bonk for a moment and then move on peacefully.

It was in the end of July, 2023, before I got my ass back to the factory that depletes mental state and soul where I was trapped into which is known by the name of University of KwaZulu-Natal. We were at my friend’s house again, (just the three of us--my friend, Stuart, and I).

"Did I tell you this boy is fucking with
some girl who stays in rental property opposite with his home?"

said my friend pointing at Stuart.

"Nope" I replied.

Stuart laughed while he was busywith
something in his phone.

"Who’s that girl?" I asked.
"Just chill out, you won’t even know" said Stuart.

Stuart was very busy on his phone in a way that he even forgot, I assume, that he was intentionally visiting us as his pals.

My friend said to me, "His girl is
gorgeous, tell this son of bitch to show you her picture."

"Let’s see your girl, boy" I said.

He showed us a picture of a little bit fat, short, and darkish skinned woman who was wearing a white t-shirt and black short that exposed some nice darkish thighs. She was sexy tho. She deserved a lot of joyful sex from the kid as her flesh and bones were still tight and fresh and functioning right on time while being inviolable against the laws of gravity.

"She’s gorgeous" I commented. "I’m sure you’re getting satisfied with her cunt."

"Haha!" Stuart laughed. "Don’t think too much, boy. She belongs to me." He took off his phone from my sight and left me still thinking. What the fuck was I thinking exactly? Hell, I don’t know.

"Umm...ayy...ahh...gents" Stuart
stammered. "I...I’mmm...I’m thinking of going home now, see you next time."

"Ight, see you, boy"
Stuart headed towards the gate. Went
out. Walked down the road. Took left and disappeared.

"Is Stuart’s girlfriend working? " I asked my friend.

"No" he replied.

I kept quiet to let two innocent seconds passed.

"What the hell is she doing?"
"She is living with her boyfriend in that rental property but her boyfriend rarely spend time with her because he’s working the whole day and he’s the one who’s paying the rent. So this fool, Stuart, got a chance throughout the day to fuck this girl."

"Hope this boy won’t get caught and/or catch feelings."

"He will be a dumb fuck if he does."

The conversation went on and on with the emergence of multiple unrelated subjects in between, you know. And then I, too, went home at that same afternoon.

The other day (haha, you fucking
guessed it), "The other day" has been our mantra. Cool, my local rap artist friend who is locally known by his stage name called GFlash, came to my home around 4 or 5pm afternoon with Matt who also a local rap artist by the name of Funaki and the dude whom I didn’t know. But I heard that this unknown dude liked acting, so he was an undiscovered struggling actor who is still trying to lay his acting skills to whichever chance avails itself.

At that moment, GFlash and Matt were hyperactive and excited in an unusual way. I then immediately detected that these two dudes had popped pills to get high. And this actor dude was smiling regularly in a way that triggered my instincts to not being pleased by his presence. So I kept my distance from him in conversations or deceive him while nursing my silence at the same time.
This actor dude was wearing a three-
quarter whitish short, black t-shirt, and grotty black slippers. His body seemed to have not been in mutual contact with water that comes from the tiny room called bathroom.
We then went to stand in the balcony.

"You seem so down today, what’s going, boy?" asked GFlash.

"Yeh! The boy is so down today" said

"Nah, there’s nothing wrong. I was just asleep before your arrival" I lied. I wasn’t asleep. I was just alone in the room and thinking about some bullshit which I have forgotten about.

Then my friend and Stuart came by.
We welcomed one another with a couple of good insults as usual. It felt funny. Then my friend brought up a subject about Stuart’s affair with his girlfriend. I don’t know how we got into that subject. But we got to it anyway.

"Gents, did you know this boy is fucking with some other dude’s girl every time whenever he wants?" said my friend.

Stuart laughed. Stuart’s eyes face were, again, glued to his phone.

"OOOOOH!" screamed Matt and GFash and this actor dude.

"This boy is dangerous" said ny
friend. "Show 'em her picture, Stuart. Show 'em."

Stuart came with his phone to showus
pictures. All of them gathered around him to see this Stuart’s girl. I tried to join to see those pictures but couldn’t because GFlash was taller than I. But then I relaxed and stopped trying. They swiped pictures on the phone left and right.

"OOOOOH!" they screamed.

"SHE’S HOT!" I heard a voice coming
from them.

"AWW YEAH! THIS BITCH IS SEXY!" said another voice.


Then there was silence.


"What’s that?" I asked. My friend
laughed and turned away.

"HOLY SHIT!" a voice screamed.

"WHA...?" another voice.

"WHAT THE FUCK? OOOOOH!!!" They screamed. Stuart took off his phone. They all laughed and uncircled, spreading wide apart like a bitch spreading her caramellike legs surrendering her untouched, wet, pink cunt to get rammed with a furious and ruthless hard-on cock.

"What the fuck is it?" I asked again.

"Don’t ask because you saw it" said

"I didn’t see it. What is it, man?" I asked again wanting to know as quick as possible.

"Stop lying" Stuart said. "YOU SAW IT!"

All of them were oohing and aahing. I
was helpless and was so damn ready to laugh too at whatever they were laughing so I kept asking them one by one because I didn’t want to be left out.

"What did you see? What was that, huh?"

After a whole minute, finally my friend was able to tell me what they saw.

"A CUNT!" said my friend while he was laughing. "They saw Stuart’s girl cunt."

I smiled. But wasn’t satisfied because I didn’t see that cunt. A lost a chance to feed my eyes with that honorable cunt made by God due to GFlash’s height and long bones in his body. Stuart’s phone rang. Took it out from his pocket of his short.

"Hello!" he answered it.

"Oh!" he said. "Ahuh..okay...Alright, I’m coming right now. I’llbe there soon."

They were still laughing and talking
about that honorable cunt.

Gents," said Stuart, "I...Iyy...it’s time for me to go. I...I... I’ll see you."

"His girl wants a good quickie" I said.

"HAHAHA" they laughed.

"Fuck off! Luyanda" said Stuart.

"She fucks him so good" said my friend.

"Fuck you! All of you, now" the kid’s face was filled unusual excitement.

Then Stuart went away. GFlash was
carrying a USB and wanted some movies from my friend' laptop. And then we all went to my friends house together with that actor dude.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

It was Thursday morning around 9am or so, the sun was already up because it was during the summer season on December. I was in my uncle’s basement where I sleep and I was still in bed scrolling on my phone. My friend entered from upstairs and went downstairs and threw a good insult as usual that I ended up keeping quiet because I had ran out of defensive responses.

He looked at me and paused, "Yesterday I received some bad news and I was shocked the whole night. Couldn’t sleep well becasue my head has been playing with these thoughts."

"What news?" I asked.

"My cousin who works at Edington
Hospital phoned and told me that he’s with our red, thin friend who likes lie a lot. I was kinda confused because I didn’t really recall whom he was talking about. I asked him to be more specific. He told me that it’s our friend who regularly comes at home to visit us. But I said 'Wait...are you talking about Stuart?' And my cousin said he doesn’t know his name but it’s him."

"What happened to him?"

"My cousin told me that Stuart tried to commit suicide and I asked him why and he said he would put him on the phone and let me talk to him. I talked to Stuart and asked him why he wanted to kill himself and he told me that it’s depression. He told me he had a depression, just imagine that crap."

"Depression for what?"

"I don’t know. I don’t know. And I don’t understand but I told him that we would talk when he comes back because he told me that the doctors put him in a room of psychos."

"It’ll be over with him. They’ll give him the pills for psychos and turn him into a psycho as well."

"Eish! I don’t know what’s wrong with this kid."

"Did he tell you when the day he will be discharged?"

"No. He said he have no idea of how
long the treatment will take. But he said he will just stay for quite long period of time there."

"Those fuckers want to turn him into a psycho. They want to add more psychos as their patients. Let’s hope the kid will return balanced" I said.

"Yah, let’s hope so" he said.

"Yeh, because once he starts to take
those fucking psychos' pills, he’ll be in a bigger trouble. His life will depend on those pills."

"You can’t trust the doctors. Those cunts play with people’s lives like toys."

"What do you think the problem is?" I
asked him. "Do you think it’s the family issues? Maybe the kid is now fed up with that bullshit. But I suspected something not so good was going on with him during the past series of days when he was posting the videos of crying dudes on his Whatsapp status. I think he did that 3 to 4 days in a raw. Only crying dudes. I saw Will Smith’s crying videos and other white dudes."

"We won’t know. But I suspect his auntie because he always complain about her. Always."

"If so, then he was too quick at making that decision by gambling with his life."

"Yeh, he always says his auntie gives
him a lot of troubles. But we’d hear from him when he comes back."

Anyhow, frankly, I didn’t know what was troubling the kid that made him to play with Papa Death. But the days I saw the videos of crying and snorting dudes flowing in his Whatsapp status. I knew something was going on but didn’t want to interfere as I thought to myself that the kid was grieving. I said to myself, He would be stronger one day.

Photo by Mark Rabe on Unsplash

December days with its celebrational
days passed. Christmas, pooh! It was boring as listening to an unfunny joke. Jesus Christ's birthday is one of the first and boring birthdays I've seen. But I managed to escape the boringness of that day by nursing myself with a bottle of Irish brandy, Kliporift. I was at my friend's home, it went so good down through my throat.

Then they gave me a nice plate of food, I then talked to it. We had a good discussion with a food on my plate until I cleaned it up with a speed of short-temper.

I then got back to the Irish bottle, nursed it and nursed it until my perception of the world began to move slow as a snail in slow motion. The Irish people are Gods, I’m beginning to like them. They are the Gods in this stuff following the Scottish. I might consider myself to marry at least one of the most wonderful and luscious Irish women and pull her red hair as I fuck her inside the trailer park filled with many of her homeland’s brandys and wines.

I continued to nurse the Irish good
invention down to my body. I filled my body with it. I nurse it until Christ got jealous of me and hit me with the irritating afternoon and sent it to rain heavily on my clothes. Then I got up from the chair and went home.

Photo by Andreas Rasmussen on Unsplash

December days passed. New Year’s Eve? Umm...wasn’t that bad. Good drinks all over the floor. Flying Fish and one huge Irish invention, Kliporift, you know. We drank and talked and waited. We ate some good meat, marinated steak and wors. And waited for 00:00 to arrive. Good drinks, good meat, good talks, and good waiting.

A huge baby mama at my age from the neighborhood tried to play at courtship with me. Tried to throw some alluding sexual pulls. But I was drunk and couldn’t see or hear clearly. I don’t remember what we talked about, the Irish invention had taken over my good reason and senses.

Although I don’t remember what we said, but we had a good talk with this huge baby mama because I recall her standing too close to me like married penguins. Oh, I recall asking her age, "21" she said. We were standing near her home’s gate. I spotted a switching off of light in her home’s bedroom and then a curtain moved moved in slow motion as it often happens in horror movies. I asked this huge baby mama who was it. "It’s mom" she said. "She sees us. I gotta go" the bitch panicked and looked at me in my eyeballs.

In my head I was wondering, how the fuck am I going to fuck her because it’s obvious she wants it? Which sex position am I gonna use to hit her? I concluded that I’m not going to do it.

If a man is going to question himself
about whether he should or shouldn’t fuck a woman, he certainly doesn’t want her.

A cunt is a cunt, we must all agree to
that one. But on my side, gentleman, a body mass is also way crucial. A body mass count, it serves as a tool in flexibility and nice sex positions. So no, I won’t do it, I told myself. And I didn’t, haha.

To her imagination, I was fool. To other men’s views out there, I made a huge mistake for deceiving her. But to me, I was placing my preferences afront. We all have our own views about something, even if they are not correct.

I went inside the house where we were nursing our drinks. Poured a large stiff of Irish invention on the glass. Added a very small dash in it. Drank it down to my body.
I got the fuck up to go home. Passed the street. I heard the noise on the street, people were celebrating. Some were singing. Some were drinking. Some were dancing and playing music on their speakers. Some hitting firecrackers. And others were fucking, fo sho. But I minded my own business and went my ass home.
I arrived home. Went to my uncle’s
basement where I sleep. Switched the lights on. Removed my shoes. Swiched the lights off. And tossed my body to bed.
The New Year’s Eve was over.

A few weeks later, before the emergence of the day (say, 12:00), it was sunny and chilled. I went up to my friend’s house to check him up, but the little kids I met in the gate told me he wasn’t present. So I proceeded to go look for him at my cabin’s twin friend.
When I arrived. He wasn’t there. I asked my twin friend and he said he wasn’t there. Ahuh, sure, he wasn’t there. So I decided to just chill with him for a couple of hours. We sat there and talked about some bullshit. We talked and talked and then I felt drowsy. I tried to sleep there and then his female twin who is a dyke entered the cabin to check her/his phone.
I asked my twin friend’s dyke twin,

"Tell us, did you hear what happened to Stuart? Do you know what the hell is going on?"

"Yeh, tell us more. We won’t tell anyone" said my twin friend.
She/he looked at us. Refusing to tell us.

"I dunno what’s going" the dyke twin
said. "I don’t even want to interfere on those shitty matters."

I begged her/him, "I know you know. Tell us, what happened? Is about a woman or family issues?"

"Come on, sissy" said my twin friend, We promise to keep that secret. No one will ever get to know."

"Ye, no one. We don’t know a lot of
people and we don’t have many friends."

"Okey," the dyke twin appeared to want to tell us a clear story. "The thing is, this boy Stuart is a cocksucker. He fell in love with a girl who lives in the rental property. They were always fucking one another. EVERYDAY!"

"OOOH! The kid catched feelings" I said.

"Hahaha!" laughed my twin friend.

"The kid catched feelings to the wrong bitch."

"Exactly, they warned at his home and told him to stop going there. But Stuart was bloody-minded. He kept going there."

"Did they found out about this at his
home?" I asked.
"I dunno. Maybe they did."

"Maybe they suspected it" said my twin friend.

"Stuart was in love with her" continued the dyke twin. "When we come to visit this girl, then out of the blue, we’d hear then in the bedroom having sex. The other day early in the morning, I went to visit this girl, I spotted Stuart’s tiny head under the blanket in the bed. He sometimes sleeps there but he makes sure he doesn’t miss a day without going there."

My twin friend commented, "This kid is the biggest moron I’ve ever see, haha!"

"Arr, your friend is moronic" said the
dyke twin. "That girl has got two kids with a baby daddy. Her baby daddy is employed and has got a lotta money. He transfers her 5, 000 Rands every month. So Stuart impregnated this girl and this girl wanted to break up with him but Stuart didn’t want it. An then this girl aborted two of Stuart’s kids."

"Oooh, shit!" I screamed.

"Jesus Christ!" shouted my twin friend. "Stuart should’ve dumped this bitch while there’s still time." I said.
"So he didn’t" said the dyke twin.

"This girl is way older than Stuart. She’s 25 and Stuart is...how old is Stuart? 19? 20? I dunno. And this girl has two alive kids and three dead ones. She had a miscarriage to one of his baby daddy’s kid and aborted two of Stuart’s kids. So Stuart decided to simply take his life."

"The kid was in agony" I said.

"Hmm, who knows what the kid was
planning?" asked my twin friend.

"Whatever your friend was planning,
after all, he was just a biggest moron of them all" said the dyke twin.

I then said, "The kid failed to stick to the bro-code. He was supposed to fuck her only and not get emotionally attached to her. She made a huge mistake. Haha, but he learned from his mistake."

"When they ask me at Stuart’s home
between Stuart and that girl, I say, 'I dunno, I know nothing about them.’"

I said to my twin friend, "Let’s go my
friend’s home and tell him this interesting truth because my friend told me that Stuart said to him it was just depression when they were talking on the phone."

"Yeh, let’s go now" said my twin.
We walked down the street. Took left.
Passed the local tavern. Turned left and arrived at my friend’s home. We told him the same story about Stuart wanting to play with Papa Death for just an older baby mama bitch whom he barely knew in deeper sense. The kid almost met God but his ass was saved. That’s why rushed him the hospital. The influence he got from those crying cocksuckers he was posting on his Whatsapp status failed to make him succeed to take his life. He was almost gone.

A couple of weeks ago, I was walking
down the street just to meet people around 7pm, I spotted a thin man with Stuart’s head and features. As I approached thin man, it was clear that that was Stuart. Oh God, it was him. He was greeting and saluting other boys along the street and seemed relieved and brand new.
I approached him and greeted him with a slight smile.

"What’s up, dawg?" said Stuart.

"I’m fresh. And you"

"I’m very good. "Yhu...yhu...you guys you didn’t even come visit me at the hospital?"

I acted surprised. "Were you in the
hospital? Wait...what happened, man? Are you alright?"

He showed me his thin hands. I didn’t
see anything. What I saw is that they were just thin and light skinned.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when I see you. Your friend knows the story, I told him."

"Oh, a’ight, no problem, man." I didn’t
want to dig more details from as I’d planned that he’d tell me when he feels like.
Stuart was walking with some of his
buddies who were thin like him. They passed us and Stuart walked behind them.

Stuart shouted.


Then I proceeded with my way. Arrived at my friend’s home. Told him what Stuart said. My friend couldn’t believe me.
After 40 minutes or so, Stuart arrived
with his buddy who resides in the same hood. We talked and talked. He told us the whole story. My friend judged him and advised him as usual. Then the rain began, we decided to go home. Stuart and his buddy went up the street and I went down the street and got separated.
When I came home, I took off my phone from my pocket. Checked some text messages or missed calls. I saw Stuart’s Whatsapp status of screenshots of text messages from his buddies and family members showing appreciation that Stuart survived death and hospital. And that he was back. His last written Whatsapp status with and a purple background read:

New life
New beginning
New me

Until we meet again, friends!



Luyanda Mbatha
Luyanda Mbatha

Written by Luyanda Mbatha

Fear and doubt never produced any outcomes ever since I was here on this planet.

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