Dulwich 16 (Part 2)
"There’s no such thing as love" said the thinnest girl like a punk mosquito after puffing a cig.
"Aww!" said Inno.
“Yep! And a boy that says he loves you
and he wants to be serious with you is just wasting his time" said the other colored girl.
I stared all of them one by one as they
engage in their idiotic conversation.
Finally, there was a short, gentle silence
between us. This short, gentle silence arrived after a very long time and I was eagerly waiting for this moment since we met these young colored girls.
"My friends who likes to snap pictures
will probably ask where is my phone because I left it at home. They’ll ask, 'where’s an iPhone? We want to snap pictures of us’" said the thinnest girl like a punk mosquito.
"So why did you left it?" I asked.
"I don’t want to bring my phone with me
when I’m going to parties." She finished puffing her cig and threw that cig butt away in the grass. The other colored girl was standing there still, quiet and leaning with her back against the waiting shelter’s pole.
They continued to talk about boyfriends,
love, money, relationships and other dull things in a idiotic way.
"My mom gives me 800 rands to spend
on some things I enjoy per month and 200 rands on the other side for me to buy data" said the thinnest girl like a punk mosquito and continued her thing, "I don’t want a boyfriend to give me money, gifts, and go on dates, I got my own money and I like parties."
"Me too, I got my own money so I don’t
want a boyfriend to take care of me" said the other colored girl.
We sat there under the waiting shelter...um, wait, no! I didn’t sit down at all, the other colored girl and I stood there under the waiting shelter while Inno and this thinnest girl sat down. So, the two of us were standing while the other two were sitting down for like almost half an hour or so and do the talking. Geez, it was two by two, hehe, know what am sayin’?
"It’s getting colder here and I’m
beginning to feel cold, guys" the thinnest girl got goose flesh and brushed her arms and asked, "what time is it there? Is there anyone who got the phone?"
I eyeballed at her bunlike thighs for a
second. Unzipped the small pocket of the ugly navy backpack. Took out my phone to check what time was it exactly.
"17:54" I said. Put my phone back inside
the small pocket. Zipped it and zipped my mouth as well.
"Ew! Guys, we needo go back to the
house party, maybe people have arrived."
"Yea, let’s go" Inno concured.
Inno and this thinnest girl like a punk mosquito with bunlike thighs stood up, stretched their backs and arms. And yawned.
We walked our asses back to the house
party. We kept walking very, very, very slowly like old age, depressed snails searching for their purposes in this miserable world. And we did that insane talking shit on the sidewalk.
The sidewalk was the lonely sidewalk I’ve ever seen. It was in trouble because the shit-stirrer grass has almost overtaken its territory without its consent. The poor sidewalk will sadly lose its reputation in the next few years, I assure you, matey. It must pray for the construction workers to fix its sad condition before it get worser than that.
Now, on that lonely sidewalk, we turned
right to approach the house. The house was like 40 something steps away from where we were. When we turned right, we got automatically separated into two, we walked, as they use to say, in two by two. The thinnest girl and I walked afront while Inno and this other colored girl walked behind us.
The thinnest girl told me things I didn’t
ask for nor had any desire of knowing those freaking things either.
"My boyfriend loves me in a way that I
don’t understand" she said.
I eyeballed at her bunlike thighs and
asked, "Huh? What’s wrong if the guys loves you?"
"No, bruh, I mean...he’s doing too much."
"Whatts he doin’?"
"Umm, he do a lot of things for me
and always wants to protect me."
"Oh, wow! That’s cool. The guy loves you
unconditionally." I grinned. Opened my arms wide.
We took about 8 steps with a slower
pace. Inno and the other colored girl were following us with the same pace and do the talking like us as well. It was dope tho.
"I remember the other when I was
coming from his home and going back to my place and, JUST IMAGINE!, I was about to get robbed at that moment and he came, running towards me to save me from those guys who wanted to rob me."
"There’s nothing new about that" I
commented and said, "look, he was doing what he thought was right for both of you."
"What’s wrong?"
She looked down on the road. Kicked nothing. Raised her round head. Stared at me in the eyes and, finally, she said something I wasn’t expecting.
“He got stabbed."
"Does your parents knows about this?"
"My mom knows. She knows him and
she’s always asking me about how is he doin' and all that stuff, you see. Er, at first, my mom didn’t want me to be with him and always kept an eye on me every time when I go out."
"But I think you’re lucky. Gotta be
thankful for that." I said. But while spitting those kinda words in my head I was thinking something like, 'this motherfucker is a prick. He’s risking his goddamn life for just a girlfriend. Not even a wife, a girlfriend dawg?' But then I let it pass. Just like that.
We kept walking very, very, very slowly
like old age, depressed snails searching for their purposes in this miserable world. We approached a lot of white cars parking gently in a slightly vertical position facing the road. Vertical position? Well, fuck, you know exactly what I’m trying to say here, rite? Alrite.
Where was I? Oh, I saw 2 dudes who arrived with these colored girls. These dudes suddenly came out of the car like thieves. These colored girls said they came with 7 guys, but I only saw 2 dudes. These dudes were also colored dudes. That’s when they told us that their younger sister or cousin (something like that) was asleep in a car.
These two dudes threw us a non-give-a-damn salute. Inno and I threw their non-give-a-damn salute back to them with a speed of a United States F16 fighter jet. Then we all felt cool. Yeh, nobody gave a damn about anybody there. And I like it.
Inno and I proceeded to enter the gate.
There was a boring red carpet placed down at the entrance gate. Inno paid the entrance fee, it was 50 rands per person, so he paid 100 rands for both of us. The bouncers checked our pockets and found nothing forbidden. They put us on those crazy tickets around our wrists like watches. Those crazy tickets were lime colored.
When the bouncers allowed us to enter,
we walked slowly as if we were lost. But trust me, we weren’t. We were only looking for an empty picnic table to sit on and nurse our 750ml bottle whiskey which was a First Watch. Man, I love it. The taste of it. It tastes better than the music they were playing. Way better than my ex-girlfriend’s cunt. Better than all my university lecturers' lectures. Better than my Political Science lecturer’s, Nduduzo Zondi, views on politics. Better than...wait, hold up! Let’s just stop there so to prevent ourselves from ruining each other’s mood.
'Kay, unfortunately, there was no empty
table, we spotted a picnic table with two grown ladies. I think they were in their late 20s approaching 30. Or maybe they were just newbies in their 30s. But they looked old, bro. Tired. Tired as shit. Tired of being tired. Subdued by life’s problems.
Hey, listen, I didn’t say they were tired in a literal way like really tired, naw, I mean their bodies tells a story. Their bodies tells a story of tiredness. But their bodies were still in good shapes tho. Not that bad. It was obvious that these grown ladies were constantly fighting to maintain the shape of their bodies. I guess their duty on this world is to maintain their body shapes and expose those big asses. It was their calling, I guess.
Brothers (and you too lovely sisters out there who’ve managed to make it through this section), it seemed like the more they try to fight to maintain the body shape, the more the body gets sick of being forced. Their bodies never got a chance to simply relax and enjoy the freedom of being who they are because they were being fixed, reconstructed, harassed, commanded, tortured, violently medicated, and fucked with tons of different sizes and shapes of dicks almost every weekend. But that’s none of my business, I was just passing by, you know.
And all of a sudden, Inno was talking to these grown ladies like some old friends meeting after 12 decades of separation through the woods since they were kids. Am I exaggerating? But at least you get what I mean, eh?
They say if you can’t beat them, join them. So I did. I joined their company and talked some about dumbshit that I couldn’t even recall in my mind. These old ladies were drinking a 6 pack of savanna and dancing to where they were standing. Inno and I were sitting down, nursing our whiskey. That’s when this thinnest girl who looked like a punk mosquito came to me running and demanding another cigar. I gave her the cigar. Did I? Oh, yeah, now I remember. I did. I handed her the cigar and that’s when I talked to Jessica. That’s when I spotted those hot, spotless thighs of Jessica. And that’s when the party began to get apeshit.
Oh, yes! My darling. The party began. I
stood up. Went around. Observed the entire place so that I’ll feel comfortable to be in it. Observed and observed and observed.
I observed it for the last time.
Then, my mind and my spirit felt comfortable afterwards.