Dulwich 16 (Part 1)
“Can I get another cigar? I need another one?” she hollered while running towards me.
I was carrying my buddy’s brother’s or
cousin’s (or something like that) black backpack that is now running away from its nature of being black and turning itself in being an ugly navy backpack.
"Each cigar costs 5 rands but because it’s
you, I’ll give you with only 4 rands!" I hollered back while going to meet her halfway.
"No! You’re not selling it, are you? Tell
me you’re joking" she said with a demanding tone of voice.
I eyeballed her long, light-brown, curvy,
and thin legs coming directly towards me with those little bit longer and darker knees. Then with a fastest moving eye contact I eyeballed her light-brown forehead and said "I’m serious. I’m telling you. Just gimme the money and I’ll give you the cigar." I laughed.
Her two colored cousins stared at me
with their heavily gorgeous eyes and with those light-brown foreheads. One of her two colored cousins who were standing there under the umbrella tent near the picnic table simply yelled some exciting "No!" while laughing at one time. Her "no" contained some naughtiness mingled with some fuckable submission and openness in it. All that mixture was cute tho.
"You didn’t tell us that you were selling it, bruh!" this thinnest girl who looked like a punk mosquito kept moaning and demanding me to hand her the cigar.
I laughed one more time and then
decided to wave the white flag to avoid her consecutive moanings. I sensed that this thinnest girl’s moanings would eventually become fucking intolerable if I resist furtherly. And we both wouldn’t like our dreadful veiled attitudes, I know fo sho.
The other cousin whose height was
somewhat longer than both of them was sitting on a picnic table with her entire willowy body turned against the table. She was wearing a red miniskirt exposing her fresh, brownish, and bedworthy thighs. She eyeballed me straight into my eyes and I eyeballed her back and with a speed of an F1 car I noticed that this lovesome girl with bedworthy thighs wanted to say something to me. And guess what? I was right.
"HI! WHATCHO NAME? " she shouted
because the music was so loud that I found it strictly challenging to hear what she was saying.
"WHAT? " I said while shouting back and
lowering my head to give her my left ear.
"I SAID, WHATCHO NAME?" she shouted
I lowered my head again to reach her
tiny ears and shouted, "SHANDU!"
"WHAAT?" asked her to make some
reassurance of what she heard. And I could see that my name confused her because she’s unfamiliar with it.
"OH!" she felt sure about what she
thought it was and continued by saying, “SHANDU, HOW ARE YOU?"
"I’M 'KAY TOO!" she smiled and felt
moody. Then gradually folded her arms and stared away from me and waited for something I didn’t know. I don’t know what she was waiting for but she was waiting for something to be spoken.
"SO WHAT’S YOUR NAME? " I asked her
back to know who the fuck she was.
"I’M JESSGBARH!" she shouted but her
name didn’t successfully reach my ears quite well on time. So her shouting just got blown away by the winds together with the loud music in the air and got pitiably wasted like that.
My neck bent again so that my head can
help my ears get to hear the name of this young girl. I then lowered my head once more.
UM, ENJOY THE PARTY. I’LL SEE YOU AROUND, OKEY?" I cracked a fake smile and zipped that ugly navy backpack and went my ass back to our picnic table .
It was Sunday night around 9:38pm and
was gradually getting colder and colder. The people began to practice their unendurable rituals of getting more and more crowded all over the place at once. I sat down on the picnic bench and eyeballed the beauty and the freshness of Jessica’s thighs. They were hot, fresh, no single spot in them. Just plain, sexy. And ready to be sluggishly brushed in a turning on way. My cock wanted to rise but I didn’t let it rise because I paid lesser attention on Jessica’s thighs for only 3 seconds.
We were in the front yard of a house
party which was hosted by some popular skinny ballsack called Vee. It wasn’t interesting. It already bored the hell out of me when I thought about going in. The music? Shit, I had a cowshit taste for the music they played because the music was pretty bad. It the DJ’s who appeared to enjoy their deejaying shit and selections more than the guests. But now I don’t give a damn because I don’t like house music and don’t know how to dance.
Hear out, I also don’t know who the other
two young colored girls were. I didn’t get both their names. Maybe my buddy got their names because he seemed to be more interested in knowing them. He goes by the name of Inno, that’s it.
We didn’t meet both these unknown
young colored girls in that house party, we met them on the sidewalk. It was this thinnest girl like a punk mosquito who was demanding cigar from me and her cousin who was damn gorgeous as fuck! Oh! Heavenly Father, some of your creations are fucking enchanting, know what I mean?
Ight, at that sidewalk, Inno and I almost
passed these young colored girls but we decided to relax and walk with them.
"How are you guys? " I spoke behind
their fairly pieces of ass as I approach them. They were talking and talking and talking just as other female species do all the time.
"Hello! Hi" responded this thinnest girl with a cone shaped piece of ass pointed outwardly. Her piece of ass would turn you on if you solely pay enough attention at it.
I turned on for like 6 seconds and a
coupleof milliseconds. Then my cock
went down during those milliseconds and refused to be aroused by some random cone shaped piences of asses from punk mosquitoes in the streets. She was very thin yet sexy. I spotted a couple of bones in her neck running furiously down towards her chest. She wore some nice gray mini dress that covered the buttocks and left the thighs alone helpless. My eyeballs looked down at her ankles, she wore some normal whitish All Star sneakers with whitish invisible socks.
"Where are you going? " I asked.
"We were just taking a walk" said the
other colored girl.
"So where are you guys from" asked
"Eastwood" said the thinnest girl.
"What? Are you from Eastwood" asked
Inno with an unbelievable excitement. He didn’t believe it too, I know.
"Yeah, we come from Eastwood" agreed
the other colored girl.
"What are you doing here?" Inno asked.
He stood in front of them to show some interest and...
"We came here to the house party"
replied the other colored girl.
"Oh!" Inno cried out and continued, "you’ll
see, it’ll be nice and fun. Trust me!"
"But it seems boring and argh!" said one
these young colored girls. I don’t know who said that because I too got lost in my thoughts a bit.
We kept walking very, very, very slowly
like old age, depressed snails searching for their purposes in this miserable world. There was no silence between our communication. Yet, there was no solid conversation. Inno kept talking, so did these young colored girls.
"When did you guys arrive? " he asked
The thinnest girl sighed heavily and
lowered her round head to stare the surface.
"Yeugh! We arrived at 4pm, just imagine.
We’re starting to regret coming out here" the thinnest girl moaned like a fucked up hoe of a punk mosquito.
"Relax, guys" Inno tried to convinced
them. "It’s too early, you’ll see the vibe!"
These young colored girls kept groaning
and appeared to have ran out of options and plans. But, luckily, Inno got them entertained and convinced. Shit, I didn’t say much and walked behind their asses.
Inno turned around and tried to convince
me and said, "we should go to Eastwood, boy. You’ll see that place."
I said, "yeah, yeah boy, we should go
sometime." I got convinced, you know.
We kept walking very, very, very slowly
like old age, depressed snails searching for purposes in this miserable world.
"Let’s go and sit on that waiting shelter
because you guys are just talking a walk." said him while pointing at the waiting shelter.
They were talking about things that gave
me a quarter of zero excitement. All of a sudden, I meet my buddy named Calvin, he was walking a girl.
We saluted one another and laughed
because we were both excited as fuck.
"Hey guys!" I called them, "this is my
buddy, Calvin. I die where he dies!" they laughed and continued walking.
"Don’t you have at least 10 rands there in
you?" Kelvin asked me. "Eh? I need some 10 rands."
"Eish! I don’t think this money will
make about 10 rands. Let me see." he let me. I put my left-hand in my left pocket of the jogger. My left pocket had a tiny hole in it.
"Eish! Sorry man, I don’t think this money
in my pocket will make that 10 rands." I kept searching my left pocket with my fingers to find a note because I was only touching coins of 2 rands and 70 cents.
"I found 2 rands here. Will you take it?"
“Yeah, 2 rands will too be a-ight" he took
it and walked away to where he was going with that girl.
I heard Inno talking to the young colored
girls and said, "Let’s go and sit under that waiting shelter because you guys are just talking a walk." He pointed at the waiting shelter once again.
We went there where he wanted us to
go and sat our asses down under Inno’s favorite waiting shelter. And talked.