Luyanda Mbatha
6 min readMar 24, 2023


What is it that is keeping you from becoming the person you want to be?

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

What? What is wrong with you? I’m not the type of person who is constantly seeking answers in life because there are no right or wrong answers to me, depending on that certain circumstance and time. Therefore, I’m not here to solve your personal issues. But…I can help.

I have so many questions in life, so I have so many questions for you than answers. I’m not a problem-solver, nope! The questions I have are for you to look deep within yourself and be aware of what is happening to you and your surroundings. I will tell you what is it that is hindering you from being the type of person you would prefer to be. And the answer will surprise you.

Wait…did I say the answer will surprise you? Oh, wow! It is my fault that I said I will not give you the answers but only the questions. But obviously, my fucking apology is accepted. Well, then…let’s proceed.

“You don’t need to figure out your life. You need to become the person who can.” ~Josh Terry

The people who seem to be excessively worried about their lives are, mostly, young adults; the people who are in their 20s. Their worry is about figuring out their lives and making an impact. Like, really?

A couple of years ago, I joined the social media app named Quora. The users of that social media platform are brilliant and more experienced in the world. Last year, in 2022, I was receiving a fuckton of notifications on my smartphone device from it, probably 6 times per day. Those notifications were mainly written by young adults asking about what to do with their lives and how to find their purpose and what should they focus on etcetera.

Luckily, people from Quora were delivering answers to these kinds of questions and most of those answers were making you feel nervous a bit. Some of them were clear and simple. Others were long and complex. It is saddening to see millions of young people around the globe feel stuck in their lives and doubt almost everything about their truly desired dreams.

I believe that it is crucial to question what you believe. And because you now see that it is crucial to question what you believe, it is also crucial to question why you believe it’s crucial to question that.

Every day when I wake up I’m becoming more and more skeptical about the things I used to believe and the ones I still believe in. I’m still asking myself if the achievement of one’s dreams really makes that person be what he/she wanted to be.

Can achieving your dreams fulfill the void that sparked the sense of desire to believe in it, want it, and make it come true?

What I actually mean about the previous question is that can the achievement of an individual’s dream satisfy them and make them content about what they have accomplished and who they are? Too deep huh? It’s okay, my fellow reader, I told you that I have a metric shitload of questions.

I believe that to become the person you would prefer to be is to simply dig through your desires (even if you desire to procrastinate or bang a quarter of 500 cunts per year) by asking yourself what you want exactly and why you want it. The answer is there in front of you, even if you’re unaware of it, your body and the brain know it.

This is practical. But, it is not easy. Yup, it may sound easy but, believe me, it is not. But I think we can all agree that it is simple. Remember, I’m not going to provide you with any solutions. Why? Because I don’t have any, motherfucker. If you feel stuck, worthless, lost, lonely, stagnant, unloved etcetera, then you really need to do what I’m going to tell you down below.

Photo by Frederik Löwer on Unsplash

Alright, let’s see how we can do it:

I. Sit down (too easy, right?) and ask yourself why you feel like that.

II. Ask yourself what can you do to fill up the void of that feeling.

The following ones can be pretty much challenging in such a way that it can also take up hours (or days) to crack them. But the good news is, they only require you, not your possessions, internet, dog, wife, girlfriend, personal trainer, job position, status, grandpa, friend, or fortune teller but only YOU!

III. Ask yourself what is it that you truly want exactly.

IV. Again, ask yourself what can you do to get rid of what you want by simply achieving it.

V. Ask yourself what actually makes you happy and what you enjoy the most (remember, your time is very, very, very limited on this earth to waste your very limited time on things that drains your energy).

The last points can be very challenging than the previous ones because here you are now working your butt on your desires. You are now no longer in a tug-of-war condition trying to find the so-called purpose or passion.

VI. Ask yourself what do you want to live for during this very limited time of yours on this habitable, beautiful earth.

VII. Ask yourself what contributions you want to make to people. Like, what value do you want to deliver among others?

VIII. Ask yourself, are you enjoying what you are doing? Does that come from your inner self (love or desire) or from society (fear or pressure)?

IX. Ask yourself what is it that you value more than yourself. What are willing to suffer (or die) for? (if you can die for something/someone, means you value that thing/person more than you value yourself).

X. Lastly, ask yourself what is your legacy. What do you to be remembered for on this planet when your very limited time has gone? What do you want to leave behind for the upcoming generation?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself to cure the disease of feeling lost, bored, useless…And what I like about these questions is that they don’t make you find your purpose or desperately try to make those goofy impacts you’re striving for. They simply make you create it.

Subsequently, I don’t know what you should do with your life because I too still don’t fucking know what I’m doing with mine. I’m just doing what I enjoy. I’m not saying there is always fun in every second of what I’m doing but I do enjoy the suffering that comes with the pain I selected for myself to bear.

“Life is a constant process of dying.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer

As I’ve promised that I’m gonna tell you exactly what is it that is limiting you from becoming the person you want to become, I will tell you exactly what the fuck it is. The only thing that is limiting you is not your past, ex-lover, friends/family, climate, potholes, volcanic eruptions, political systems, globalization, moon’s gravitational pull, supernova black hole, weather, terrorism, laws, pandemic, diet, inflation, load-shedding, job, insurance, or your neighbor but only YOU!

It is YOU who is limiting yourself from being the person you would prefer to be. It is YOU who is controlling what to think about, see, and do. It is YOU who is controlling what to eat, watch, listen to, read, and talk about. It is YOU who decides who to fall in love with, where to go, what to drink, and how to poop dammit!

We must do things out of love and enjoyment that are in our control, not out of pressure and desperation.

You don’t find your purpose. You create it. All of life is like that, it always had been, and always will be. Life is just your own game. You have to play it by your own rules or you will play it by someone else’s rules.

Until we meet again…



Luyanda Mbatha
Luyanda Mbatha

Written by Luyanda Mbatha

Fear and doubt never produced any outcomes ever since I was here on this planet.

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