This is the question that I am constantly asking myself interminably and it scares the hell out of me because more often than not, I’m predisposed to include uncertainties.
Those uncertainties are nice and cheesy to fucking fantasize about, as well as the ones that we often tend to avoid and/or ignore thinking about, which my article is elicited from.
Am I really equipped for the future that I am always dreaming about? Ask yourself this question. In fact, everyone should ask themselves this vital unpopular question. It doesn’t matter where you are or do, even if you’re at a cocktail party, fishing, having sex, cleaning a carburetor, or wherever the fuck you are.
We tend to conceptualize the future we covet where we are at peace unwinding in our sweet ass Jacuzzis and enjoying a free-life journey merely flooded with happiness. But that is not always the case. It is almost filled with ugly, dull, vexatious, and fat discomfort that requires only capable and wise individuals to withstand it.
We gravitate toward what we think we know and can nimbly handle. That is a good and positive mindset in some instances, but to undermine the unpredictable circumstances can be devastating as well. I’m not saying be anxious, agitated, or fucking aggressive. No, calm the fuck down and be prepared for the unexpected and unpredictable shit.
This is moderately spine-chilling to some of us. And that is okay because all of us don’t like to fucking muse about uncertainty. It is scary but fascinating (if you enjoy discomfort) with its reality circs that will kick our asses off from fantasies that we regularly delude our fucking brains with.
“You think you have space to breathe, then you look up and there’s another one.” ~Charles Bukowski
It is said (and I too confirmed) that the future does not only made of and/or contains necessities but unnecessities into the bargain. It will surprise us and that is stupendous! Some of us will be able to experience it fully with the concoction of enjoyment and massive confusion along the way. Some will only get to taste a fragment of it with colossal excitement and satisfaction surrounded by clamp-downs of fair ignorance.
Some of us will be able to handle it. And some of us won’t.
Some of us will be certain about it when it comes. And some of us will doubt it. But that is not an issue, the issue is us.
Our priorities and habits will marginally change and/or upgrade when we achieve what we wished and worked hard for. Our navigation for the future is fundamentally our own fucking habits, highly reflected by priorities and values. It doesn’t matter how much any fucking thing we’ve acquired and possess. Rarely we will change in the future, but certainly, we can, right now!
“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” ~F. M. Alexander
It is a little bit different (the future) from what we usually salivate and envisage inside the utopia but resembles (quite a bit) what we have desired, sacrificed, and fought for. And this simultaneously brings joy and a tad of disappointment inside of me. But because I understood that it is difficult (and it shouldn’t be easy), I keep on sticking my nose to it, accepting, and reconstructing it into something valuable and worth living for.
“All the things we desire and perpetually try to pursue are going to bore us eventually.” ~Luyanda Mbatha
Achieving something you value and sacrificed for is verily great, then what? What about boredom after that, what about the quandaries, the allaying of excitement over a certain duration, the tremendous confusion and sometimes finding yourself helplessly drowning in the boiling state of despondency?
If you have something you want to do in the future, why not fucking do it right away? what is it that is obstructing you from undertaking it?
Determine the bullshit that is continuously distracting you from pursuing what you fucking eager and hungry for. As Ayn Rand said, “the question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” But during the process of being fucking unstoppable and shit, let us not forget the unfortunate conditions as well.