A Letter To My Unborn Child

Luyanda Mbatha
12 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Dear You

Hello there! You’re one of a kind, but you’re not special or exceptional, though. I imagine you’ve slowly opened this letter with a kinda confused face, and you’re wondering what the hell is it that your father wants to tell you. But relax, make yourself a good favor by reading it all down to the last word.

So, you’re my child, you know that, and I agree that I’m your biological father without being hesitant whatsoever. I want to tell you a few things before you close this letter, but what I’ll tell you isn’t what I expect you to believe in and fight for for the rest of your goddamn life. I only just want you to note this because you’re a human being, so you may collect your own beliefs along the way in this journey of growing up due to the things you’re exposed/unexposed to in your environment and the human beings you’re in contact with around you and all the stuff your mind will decode.
My child, you were not born to be
successful or win, don’t allow this crazy modern culture to fool you. Your beautiful mother and I never brought you on earth to be successful. No, that wasn’t our intention. Our intention was to bring you here to live, my child. And nothing else.
You may live up yo be a star, see yourself as a highly glorified star all over the globe or a biggest black sheep of them all, but you’re not that shit. You’re not a star nor black sheep. To me you’re my child, a decedent of human species, a human being. And my child isn’t a star. My child is a human being brought by human beings.
Hear me out, I’m not a cynic. Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t cynicism. This is a pure fact, and I’d extremely hate seeing you comforted with lies and illusions. But I’d appreciate being around you as your father and getting permission from you to help you whenever you need me. Anytime, my child.
Subsequently, there is madness in this world we’re living in, and there are people as well. I don’t know if there’s too much madness in people or there’s too many people in madness. But one of these two things is too much in the other, and both of these things really exist.
You’ll see madness in people, and you’ll see what madness is on your own. But don’t try to shy away from it or be afraid of it as it will affect you painfully unexpectedly. My child, you have to pick your own sword and cut the piece of madness from the whole and make something profound of it. This isn’t a command. It’s a tip.
There are a lot of things that drive the
society mad and as you see, this letter is the result of it. You fight madness, and you fight some part of you that makes you the way you are. Accommodate it, at least.
Another thing, my child, there’s this
thing called The System. This thing is what got your mother and I trapped in it for decades in a row. It’s what got almost every human being boxed in it with no breaking out of it. My participation with your mother in the system is severely minimized as much as we can since we realized that the system wasn’t built to benefit us and for the the good of the people but only to ruin us. But you’ll see that as you grow up, only if you dare to open your eyes and your mind.
Let me tell you a few things about the
system that pisses your father off and that your father wants to prevent you from being a participant in.

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First: SCHOOL. I don’t want you, my child, to ever put your foot inside the school premises and sit your ass down in that horrifying classroom for hours. Does that sound unclear to you? Okay, let me be clearer and more straightforward, my child, I DON’T WANT YOU TO GO TO SCHOOL. EVER! Why? Well, because there’s nothing moving you gonna learn in school. Your mother may want you to go there and insist on saying you should go to school in order to be able to learn to read, write, and all that crap. If you really want to know how to read, you’ll know.
So my point is, I don’t want you to go to school because there’s NOTHING IMPORTANT to be learned there. I know because I’ve been there, I’ve seen that shit. I even overstayed in school by also going to university because I was a fool. Your father was the biggest fool to be blinded by it.
Listen, in school, you learn a lot of cool stuff that makes you think you’ve mastered the reality. It has nothing to do with real life. You’ll hear folks saying they do Mathematics because it helps them in "problem solving." Really? What problems can that mathematics solve in real life, huh? "There’s no such thing as Algebra in reality," I quote.
Anyhow, school is a crappy business. One wins, and the other loses. It’s unlike a car dealership where you win their car and they win your money. See? It’s a win-win. I’m not being biased. I’m being realistic.
In school, they win your resistance, your behavior, your emotional maturity, your individualism, your freedom, your uniqueness, your creativity, your money, and worst of all, your MIND. And what do you win? A certificate. Really? What is a certificate? A piece of paper made from woods by strangers rewarding you for your submission of your autonomy and being you. My child, do you want that?
This business is dangerous. It rips apart your mental stability and turns you into a machine that lives by following oders from strangers. School is one of the biggest dangerous tools used by the system to control kids and young adults.
So, what your father wants you to do
instead of going to school for 12 years to be fed bullshit is to get educated from home. Your mother and I will be there for you to help you learn important things that will help you in life and be yourself. I’ll find you a human being who will teach you things that matter and learn the things YOU want to learn.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Second: CHURCH. Church is almost the same shit as school. It’s just that church has many exaggerated promises that NEVER come. This religion is very powerful as its followers tend to be magnified constantly and spread quickly.
Church teaches you obedience, fear,
independence, frugality, unaccountability, blame game, and praisings of the Gods you don’t know. Like, what the fuck, my child? But don’t be surprised, this is also part of madness in our world.
Napoleon Bonaparte said, "Religion is the excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. It what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."
Although this kind of religion isn’t the most visible tool of the system, but it’s also a part of it. There are other religions out there, my child, there isn’t only one. Just to name a few: Politics; Science; School; Law; Movies; Sports and so on. It is impossible to live without belonging in one. You may choose your own just as I chose my own. To believe that this guy called God exist is fine. But to wear a uniform and go to church to complain and cry out there and be promised eternal salvation and happiness if you perform a crazy ritual and put your hand on your pocket to hand some money to suckers isn’t fine. I don’t want you believe that things work in magic. Keep a distance from those institutions.

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

Third: JOB. My child, once something starts to feel like work to you, it’s no longer healthy. It’ll turn you into some fucking programed sucker other than a human being. A job is not a good thing for humans. Working for someone else for the rest of your life is fucking insane! This thing is a good tool to keep you dependent and needy on that paycheck for survival. It steals your time, your freedom, your health, your independent thinking, and your self-ownership.
I’ve seen people who worked jobs since I was a kid and those people are still working for money right now as I’m typing this letter. Some of them have been in the workforce for more than 40 years--that’s 4 decades--but still are unable to get their ends met. No matter the season, the market, the weather, and their moods, I still see them waking up to go to work for someone else. 40 years waking up everyday and going to work the job you hate isn’t a joke. It’s madness! Pure horseshit madness! This shit drives the population insane, like really insane, my child. How do these people do it? They’ve already programed themselves to perform a dead-end task given by some stranger for the rest of their goddamn lives. And it’s not particularly healthy, I’m telling you.
Jim Rohn once said, "If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
This motherfucking thing is what
referred to as the "rat race". You wake up every morning to chase a cheese. And that cheese is simply a reward that comes in a paycheck form. And that paycheck is just a trap for rats (employees): to keep you coming back to chase it when you run out of it. But the rarely noticed sad part is: while you’re still out there hunting down the cheese with so much vigorous passion, your time is slipping, your health is depleting, and your freedom gets stolen. Sad truth, I know.
Therefore, my child, I just want you to be aware of this. The system is always running. It may change its formations here and there, but it’s always running and dictating the rules and controlling the players (the chasers).
Your mother and I won’t let you fall for that trap. If you do want to participate in some just for exposure, cool, you can participate, but don’t live in fear of losing any dumb position and finding yourself always dependent in it for your entire life.
Listen, I once saw a quote on social
media and it goes like this: "Instead of committing suicide, people choose to go to work."
Yeh, this is a reality of the system. Those fuckers who make the rules of the system don’t live up to those rules. They’re making them for the benefit of their own personal selfish interest. Be careful.
As Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote in his book, The Bed Of Procrustors, "Those who do not think that employment is systematic slavery is either blind or employed."

Photo by Carlynn Alarid on Unsplash

Fourth: MEDIA. This is another shit that causes ordinary citizens to go mad and crazy. Media makes people believe in things that are untrue. Media is just a big distraction, like sports. It distracts people from what is real (the truth and is frequently used to cover up some of the government’s inhumane actions in most democratic states.
Ask yourself, my child: Why does the
media always bother itself by telling us what the fuck is going on in the world? Why do they keep on doing it each an every hour?
Hey, media is paid to get your attention. Your attention is valuable to them as well as your honest belief to what they tell you. It’s almost the same thing as school, it tells you stuff you don’t need to know and stuff that won’t help you either. They are the best at telling you what they want you to know and negative-worst at telling you what you need to know. This is what is flawed about the media. It inflict fear and conspires continuous check. It’s addictive, like a cigarette. Imagine finding yourself being addicted to a half-sided-false-reality. Always keep your eyes open, my child.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Fifth: HOSPITAL. A hospital is shit. And you’ll see it if you dare to open your eyes. Your father doesn’t want you to depend on medical treatment. A medicine puts your life in danger, and it brings you closer to Papa Death. There’s nothing romantic with being a patient that constantly collects medicine and be told by doctors what and what not to eat, when to eat, and how you should eat.
A hospital is an institution that offers
drugs that are considered legal by our asshole government and those drugs are given to people for hidden reverse reasons. This institution has a bunch of state-certified murderers called Doctors in it who deal with those people called Patients and are allowed and licensed to take someone’s life as long as as they desire and as long as the cash keeps coming in. Sorry if I’m telling too sensitive things. But it’s for your own awareness, my child.
But hear me out tho, doctors do more
harm to their patients more than good. A hospital’s aim ISN’T to keep you real healthy. Their aim is to keep you sick and more sick in order to receive drugs, which they referred to as "treatment." You’ll keep coming back to receive those drugs because you will no longer function well without them. And note this: Those drugs are NOT for free! They cost MONEY and your HEALTH.
A hospital is a place to treat illness, as it pretends to appear like that. Yet that place is way more dangerous and fatal than illness itself because it deals directly with someone else’s life, other than a good, serene illness given that it deals with a specific organ in the body (usually the weakest one against its execution). Even if you have a headache, your life isn’t safe inside the hospital’s walls.
Look at it in this way, if everyone were healthy and fit, there wouldn’t be hospitals. And if there were any, they would simply all collapse, and there wouldn’t be a bunch of licensed killers who play with people’s lives. No one would prescribe scientifically tested yet fatal drugs to anyone. Every time I see an ambulance in the street, my heart grieves for the transported body in the back of that bloody ambulance.
I want you to fear hospitals, doctors, and legalized drugs. If a certain drug is legal, there’s something wrong with it. Likewise, if something is legal, it is often naturally wrong for the people and politically right for the government. And if something is illegal, it is often politically wrong for the government and naturally right for the people.
As the famous quote about the system goes, "It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong."
All in all, for the government to keep the cash flow flowing through hospitals, they must always make the population sick and charge them for the treatment.
For instance, me (your father), I suffer from allergies. My skin can sometimes get itchy all over my body, even in my balls, because of this thing of allergies. So what do I need to do? I need to go to the pharmacy and buy those allergies to numb that itchiness because I haven’t found the treatment for it. See? I keep going back to buy those yellow boxes allergexs and boost pharmaceutical companies with my money. As I’m writing this letter right now, my skin is itching, and I’m scratching it all over my body from head to toe.

Now then, my child, this is what I wanted to tell you and to prevent you from being a sucker and a pitiful barstard slave to them. This is what mainly drives the population mad and hook them not to step outside the box. And this is what mainly distract them from life. And it distracts them from experiencing a real living for their preferred reasons and purposes as human spirits.
To enclose this letter, there are a few more things I want to leave you with. Just a few, 'kay? Here, take them:
• Be curious.
• Have an open mind and heart.
• Always keep questioning everything.
• Never be ashamed of shame.
• Learn only what matters and helpful.
• Act like a fool on the outside and remain witty on the inside.
• Be yourself.
• Be reliable.
• Be creative.
• Love to live.
• Read good books.
• Take responsibility and accountability.
• Use mistakes as a teacher.
• Learn to adapt quickly.
• Have fun.
• And don’t be afraid to say "Fuck you!"

Your “Good” father.

Till we meet again.



Luyanda Mbatha
Luyanda Mbatha

Written by Luyanda Mbatha

Fear and doubt never produced any outcomes ever since I was here on this planet.

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